

 椿園の敷地面積は7haもあり、なんと東京ドーム約1.5個分に相当します! 園内には約1,000品種、3,200本のツバキの園芸品種と5,000本のヤブツバキが植えられています。 椿園には椿資料館が併設されており、椿に関する文化的・生物学的な展示を見ることができます。


Metropolitan Oshima Park, which is now applying for ICGE status, is one of the largest camellia gardens in Japan. Its area is as large as 7ha, almost equal to the area of one and a half Tokyo Domes. There are about 1000 species and cultivars among the 3200 camellias and 5000 japonicas in the garden. There is also a "Camellia Pavilion" beside the garden where visitors can see cultural or botanical exhibitions on camellias. From January to March, during the camellia festival that is held in flowering season every year, a maximum of 100 varieties of cut flowers are exhibited in the camellia pavilion. Dried flowers are exhibited in other seasons. During the camellia festival last year, 45,000 visitors came to the camellia garden and enjoyed our camellia flowers. (This picture of blooming flowers was taken last March.)

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