

What is the fruit in this picture?

  • high3
  •  実は、「リンゴツバキ」の実です!ヤブツバキの変種で、リンゴのように赤い大きな実をつけるのが特徴です。 花や種の大きさはヤブツバキと同じくらいで、屋久島で多くみられることから、ヤクシマツバキとも言います。
    Actually, it's a fruit of "Ringotsubaki(apple camellia)" It's one of the variations of Camellia japonica, and has a feature forming big red fruit like apples. The size of its flowers and seeds is almost the same as Camellia japonica. Another name of this camellia is "Yakushimatsubaki(Yakushima camellia)," as it is often found in Yakushima Island.

It is interesting to pay attention to the leaves of camellias as they have many varieties. You can find leaves like that of the cherry tree or like a small sake cup.

What is the leaf in this picture?

  • high4
  • これは錦魚葉椿(キンギョバツバキ)の葉です。葉の先端が3つに分かれていて、その名のとおり金魚の尾に見えます。園芸品種として古くから親しまれているみたいですよ!
    This is the leaf of "Kingyobatsubaki(goldfish camellia)". The tip of the leaf forks off in three parts and it looks like the tail of a goldfish, as the name suggests. It's a popular cultivar of Camellia japonica.


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