Donations for the Senkaku Island

Donations for the Senkaku Island

As of January 31, 2013 we have stopped accepting "Donations for the Senkaku Islands."

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not currently accepting "Donations for the Senkaku Islands." Please note that even if there are calls for donations that use the name of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government or the Governor of Tokyo , the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not involved with them.

Handling in terms of tax laws

  • In the case of a donation made by an individual
    The amount of tax will be deducted up to a fixed limit for the portion of the donation that exceeds JPY 2,000. Please follow procedures for tax returns and affix a receipt for the donation.
  • In the case of a donation made by a corporation
    The entire amount of the donation can be included in expenses.

    Section in charge of donations for the Senkaku Islands, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 163-8001

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東京都総務局総務部 企画計理課〒163-8001 新宿区西新宿二丁目8番1号 東京都庁 第一本庁舎 12階南側
電話 03-5388-2288 FAX 03-5388-1617 組織メールアドレス S0030208(at) (at)を@に変えて送信してください。