
Column "Camellia" part 11

~Inspection by Ms. Jennifer Trehane, the director of the International Camellia Society (ICS) 2~

Ms. Jennifer Trehane, the director for Britain's International Camellia Society, came to Oshima and inspected three gardens from October 15th to 17th. We tell about her second day and afterward in this column.
She had good impressions about all three gardens and will nominate them for recognition as International Camellia Gardens of Excellence. Though it will be the directors meeting of the International Camellia Society in February that determines whether they can get the recognition or not, we can well say that we were very successful in our presentation during her inspection.

<16th October>
Traveling around the island to see sites related to camellias

  • jennifer7

Inspection of Tsubaki-hana Garden

At Tsubaki-hana Garden, a lot of early blooming camellia japonica flowers greeted her. She admired it as "a special garden" admiring the good conditions of the beautiful camellias and the skill of the manager who cultivated this garden all by himself.

  • jennifer8
  • jennifer9

<17th October>
Leaving Oshima Airport

  • jennifer10
  • jennifer11


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